Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Books are Better Than People

lol This drawing has been in my head for awhile.
Does anybody else have this problem?
People see you reading and think that you're not doing anything.
That you must be bored and you need them to come save you from this boredom.

It's one thing when it's your friends and family.
If I really love you, yes I might put down my book to talk to you lol
But when I don't even know you...
I'm sorry.
 I will try to be polite.
If you need to know the time, or the bus schedule I'll tell you.
But really- I'd rather read my book.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

I know I just did a post about calendar pages last week.. and I DO try to switch things up a bit. However, I just loved these pages so much! 

These are my happy colours so that's probably part of why I love it so much. (Neither my scanner nor my camera picked up the green very well tho.. *sad*)

This little guy was inspired by a copy of The Hungry Thing Returns that I found when I was looking for a lost book. (💔)

I also finished  reading Cartoon Faces and decided to try drawing one of my characters using some of the things that Christopher Hart talks about.

I liked it so much I decided to cut it out (and do a little wardrobe change) and add it to my calender page.

I sketched it in pen so the light green guidelines and corrections are still visible... but I think it gives it some character. ;)

Shout out to Christopher Hart for FINALLY convincing me to use guidelines at all.

I currently have another of his  books on hold thru my library... (I've been waiting so long! give me the book! aaah!)

This is the same character, drawn before I read the book